New Build Upgrades: What to Pass On

Building a new home is an exciting journey and there are a lot of choices to be made throughout the process, including what upgrades to consider and what to skip. I’m sure you’ve seen the signs driving around that say, “new neighborhood starting at $xxx,xxx.” They lure you in, but once you start adding the lot premium, a bonus room, extra outlets, it all starts to add up… fast.

Here are some upgrades you may want to pass on:

  1. Outdoor space: I know it’s easier, and tempting, to have the builder go ahead and screen in your porch or extend out your patio, but that comes with a huge markup. This is an area I learned from experience. The cost to add 3 stairs to our deck would have been way cheaper had we waited. This simple upgrade cost us $3800, yes you heard that correct, $3800 to add 3 steps to grade, an upgrade that would have been way smarter to wait on. 

  2. Light fixtures: The standard lighting fixtures offered by builders are nothing special and if you look through their options of upgraded lighting fixtures, those generally aren’t that exciting either. Have your builder put in the standard fixtures and then swap them out later as you find fixtures you like from other sources.  

  3. Tile: There may be different views on this, but if you have to pick and choose to keep your house cost down, this is one area that gets expensive quick. Instead of putting tile in all the bathrooms, maybe only put it in the master bathroom. Another area to cut the tile cost, don’t add a kitchen backsplash, add it later. 

  4. Appliances: Aside from the fact that the brand of appliance may not be your first choice, avoid upgrading without first comparing the cost. We chose whatever came with the kitchen. We may decide later to purchase a higher end appliance during one of the holiday sales. 

Looking into new construction for your next home, or have questions about the process?  How about a reputable builder? Please reach out! I have worked with dozens of builders in Middle Tennessee over the past few years, I can help!  


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